Tuesday 1 February 2011

20 questions

BA Uncut...

I'm going to mix this post up a bit and do 20 questions which I hope will provide some entertainment. I'm afraid that whilst travelling sola I didn't actually travel at all but effectively moved into a hostel and made people be my friends - the most important thing to do when a loner!

So I'm sure you are all dying to know how life changing travelling or rather sitting around on my own was!

In no particular order:

1.) Favourite Day: was in fact my last day in BA. I went to Tigre for the day with my adopted family (Corisa, Brian, Brightman and Carlin). It made a nice change from being in the city. We had lunch and then went on a boat ride down the river finished off with a 65m drop (some crazy ride in a theme park) which was about as close to a sky dive I've ever been. Adrenaline rush or what! Brian was on hilarious form and was making us laugh all day until 5 mins from home we saw the most hysterical man running who either looked mental or desperate for the toilet and that was it - Corisa and I were off, I laughed solidly for 30 mins to the point where I cried and couldn't breathe. Doesn't sound funny at all but it really got to us. After 10 hardcore belly giggles I had another 10 with Carlin in a bar and didn't end up getting to bed till 5am. Just one of those days where you would never have known when you woke up what fun was going to be instore. Brilliant!

2.) If you told yourself 3 weeks ago you'd be doing X and you wouldn't believe it. What would X be? Going on a gay pub crawl and ending up in a club with a tranny show TWICE.

3.) Favourite night: Carlin, dills, Sara and Becky (2 really sweet American girls Corisa introduced me to) and I all went to a famous steak restaurant called La Cabrera... I know what your thinking - but you hate steak! No worries - I still do... But It was such fun and the sides were scrummy! Another night filled with endless belly giggles. It was one of those nights that you wish could go on forever. And it reminded me of why I enjoyed living with dills so much in second year... Love ya babe!

4.) Favourite person: too many to say but melvin, Kyle and bazza would have to be the top 3 oh and the random strawberry sweetish guy - god you made me laugh!

5.) Best touristy thing: well it would have to be casa rosada with carlin and dills. God that was weird. So it's the presidential home/palace which is about as grand as my downstairs toilet! And there was 2 really strange people on our tour, a very overly sweaty argentine guy with a disturbingly large bottom showing around a rather unbothered looking Lithuanian girl who sounded like Hitler when she spoke! We did get to see the presidents actual office which was pretty crazy but not sure is the best idea for national security or whatever you call it, but hey it's Argentina there are a lot of things that can't be explained! And finally they have a guest book and if you ever gbarbers check out the messages dills and I wrote... We wondered if the president (whatever her name is) chills out in the bath at the weekend reading her visitor book?!

6.) Hardest thing that happened? When talking to henry on skype (which was great) he had his video on merrily chatting away WITH A POT OF TEA right in front of him... And eating a hot cross bun! Torture or what!!

7.) Strangest person you met? Oliver the 47 year old english aristocrat who looked like he'd had a very fun life (a polite way of saying he looked 80) who was a bit crusty round the edges. Stupidly when he asked if I had any toe nail clippers I looked at his toe nails... Blurgh! He said himself- when I pointed out what looked liked normal toe nail clippers in the Chinese supermarket - "they'll break on my nails" can you imagine? Sure you don't want to!

8.) What do you hate the most about BA? They give you 100 peso bills out the atm but never have any f-ing change?! Sort it out.

9.) What do you love most about BA? that it's a city that I'd like to live in despite being a county bumkin.

10.) Are you glad you went back and if so why? Yes yes yes! Because I got to see the touristy stuff I didn't before, got to see the lovely dills again and bumped into someone I'd previously met and wasn't sure id ever see again!

11.) Something you regret not doing? Going to colonia for the day in Uruguay but il be back to do that!

12.) Something you regret doing? Getting in a taxi to the mall before checking the address of my hostel... Oops!

13.) What will you never forget? Eating pizza in the biggest junction in BA and possibly in the world!

14.) What song will remind you of this part of the trip?  - The gossip - four letter word

15.) Best museum - the malba art galley... didn't make any museums.

16.) Coolest thing you did? Went to a drum show called la bomba in a knocked down warehouse in a dodgy part of town. It was amazing, like a massive drum/percussion circle.

17.) If you could change anything what would it be? -I would have spent less money.

18.) Most interesting thing you learnt?  The history of israel and Palestine in a Irish pub... As you do.

19.) Best quote: "I can't believe everyone is going to brazil for the carnival?" no duh where else would they go?!

20.) What have you learnt about yourself? I don't enjoy my own company for too long. That I'm a pretty happy person and able to turn a new and potentially difficult situation into a good one. That I can make new friends when I have to and finally that  although I had a brilliant time, I like to have someone around to experience everything with me. Oh and I get really bad hangover giggles!!!