Thursday, 16 December 2010

Isla Del Sol

As you can all probably gather, I am somewhat behind now, this can be told by the fact that I have had regular bowel movement for about a week now, so I really must catch up...

So when I was ready to brave a 4hr bus ride sin toilet, F and I made our way from La Paz to Copacabana (by Lake Titicaca). Here we stayed in the "Splurge" section of the Bible (aka The Lonely Planet) which was lovely, I got the exchange rate\price wrong, turned out it was a bit more of a splurge than I had anticipated, but sod it I just come out of hospital innit?

Had a wonderful time, a nice night and onto Isla Del Sol the next day. Just super. Lovely views, slow boat ride over, made it. Great. Looked up... er.... what now? There were like 3 buildings and the bloody bible said it was a great place to go and stay the night?! So there we were looking pretty stupid with our overnight bags...

SO taking one for the team, I made my way to the gigantic map of the Island and made some friends: Phil, Gavin and Jhoan and followed them up some rather similar looking lost-city-style-steps. 4hrs or so later, (please note: these steps were at 4,000 ft of bloody altitude) we had made it to the first town and all decided pretty rapido we were going NO further! So we found a nice little hostel owned by a not so little boliviana. WOWZA our bedroom had the most fantastic view of the lake, you would pay hundereds for a view like that at home and it cost us a fiver, bargain! Bloody love Bolivia.

With what little breath we had recovered, that evening we somehow managed to walk to the top of the Isla and watch the sun set. So... being a young smith, views dont fascinate me much, infact not at all. I am not a huge fan of those ¨types¨ you know with the bizzarely flat baseball caps, binoculars and hiking boots that get ¨blown away¨ by scenery and wont bloody shut up about it (you meet many of these as a traveller)

"Oh look Julie, just look at that, look at that view"... bla bla, its just hills love?!

But something changed in me that day and I turned against my better judgement. The views were truly blowee awayee, with the HUGE lake infront of you and snow capped mountains that looked like they were floating behind in the distance. Poor florence thought I had turned into a grandmother, and I am sure was rather fed up with me saying "just look at that, florence, just look at that!" -SHUT UP BECKY... but really honestly, if youd seen them....

Id just like to add, there is something about the altitude. Cant really put my finger on it, but what with all the lack of oxygen to the brain im surprised I didnt buy a bumbag, white baseball cap and hiking boots up the top of that hill?! Thankfully I soon got over my tourist moment and back to the semi-normal human being that I am...

Dinner. Bed. Wake up. Get back on boat back to Copacabana. Back to splurge... why not? Lazing around. Dinner with Phil and Gavin. Who we thought they were about 35ish turns out Phil was 51?! and Gav 47?! Nice company, funny evening. Back to La Paz tomorrow to get oursleves on The Salt Flats tour to San Pedro...

1 comment:

  1. Becky - so cool! the travelling is helping you appreciate new things - I find i've grown to appreciate views that deserve to be 'wowed' (but im crap with flowers, er, yeah it's yellow and it smells nice what of it. Or birds - it chirps, big woop)
    you're definitely getting a bumbag for belated christmas.

    ps. Poo
